Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some Random Remainderings

Very late at night, when nobody's lookin' ...

Mr. John's been playin' some cards!!!

Can you see the swallows' nests tucked underneath the decorative arch? Daughter Coulter found them.

The question becomes, did the perpetrator climb UP or DOWN? I'm guessin' down. Here's even more detail:

Daughter Coulter found this one (below), too, and commented, "That is SO Columbus!"

I need some bike shoes; wish he'd left two.

For Luke.


  1. I love the graffiti on the pipe! I had never noticed that before.

  2. It's brand new. Just appeared a couple of days ago.

  3. Hey, Andrew -- I added a couple of close-ups of that new graffiti. The "Fail" motif appears in another place on the Riverwalk. I'm thinkin' maybe it's this painter's "tag?"

  4. Oh thanks for the close ups! I might have to start walking around the city and see what I can find.
