Monday, October 19, 2009

A Few Photos from Yesterday

The water's back down to normal again, so I thought I'd post some photos from yesterday -- of flood damage, of wildlife (which was out in force yesterday, sunnin'), and of, well, you know, random remainderings.

I'm assuming that the damaged light poles and globes are a result of the floods, but I could be wrong. I'm wondering if the light globes break because the strong current causes the poles to shake unusually much?

New globes have been installed near the Powerhouse! I hope this means that all the broken light poles and globes are being replaced. Notice the new style:

Two ducks and a turtle share a rock:

Some jetsam (as opposed to flotsam):

I'm fascinated with the blue herons on the River, but my camera isn't good enough for me to be able to get a good shot of one:

Some wash-out on that steep bank below the Synovus offices:

Apparently the fishing wells sometimes trap floating limbs and logs during high water:

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