Monday, October 5, 2009

Some Mysteries

What IS this thing attached to the Oglethorpe Bridge?

Why is this gate to the "curved steps" always locked? (Directly behind the CSU art and theatre complex, the "curved steps" lead from the Riverwalk down into the River itself.)

Why is this piece of the railing "filled in?" It's the only "filled in" spot along the whole railing. It's near the Christopher Columbus sculpture -- must have something to do with that.

Why do some of the lamps stay on all day long? Is there a pattern as to which ones do stay on during the day? I don't see one if there is.

Why are some of these posts painted ...

... and some not?

I think I've figured that one out. It has to do with the different "areas" on the Riverwalk. The more formal areas have slightly different paint jobs from the less formal areas -- maybe? In some cases, that same post is painted an all-over beige.

And here's one that has had me mystified simply because there seems to be so much attention paid to one teeny-tiny little spot on the Riverwalk. When I first started walking the Riverwalk, I noticed this spot, down near the fishing wells:

Then, one day, the wire mesh was gone and the spot was open -- about ten inches square. The very next day, fresh, unpainted mesh appeared over the hole. Then, the very next day, the mesh was painted black again. (Sorry, but I failed to get photos of days two, three, and four. Day Four, however, looks almost exactly like Day One.)

Four consecutive days, four different conditions of this one little spot. What some attention to one little ten-inch square along the whole Riverwalk! On the one hand, I was most impressed with our maintenance crew! On the other hand, I was wondering why?

I had worried and worried over this conundrum until the day I took two-year-old grandson Amos Henry to the Riverwalk with me, and as we walked past this place it suddenly occurred to me that the hole is big enough for a two-year-old, at least, to pass through and fall into the River. So thank ya, crew, thank ya.

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