Monday, July 25, 2011

Rotary Park to the Alabama State Docks

By far the majority of the photographs I've posted on this blog have been taken on this stretch of the Riverwalk right here in front of my house, and a little north -- from the Promenade to the Powerhouse at Eagle and Phenix. There are more folks here, and more "remainderings," and just generally more activity.  Occasionally I do venture to other parts of the Riverwalk, though; and that was the case one day last week when Fred and I took a leisurely stroll from Rotary Park south to the spot on the Georgia side which is directly across the River from the Alabama State Docks.  It's really a BEAUTIFUL stretch of the River and the Riverwalk, partly because a big curve in the River affords some very nice downriver (or upriver) vistas.  Here are some photos:

This is the boat ramp at Rotary Park.
I should have taken a photo of my beloved Bulldog Bait and Tackle, where one can buy both live bait and a barbeque sandwich -- both in the same room.  Maybe now that I'm retired I'll think about tryin' to get a part-time job at Bulldog.  Maybe.

Every now and then a little beach.
The bridge over Bull Creek.

And Bull Creek himself.
The nice little park around the curve from Bull Creek ...
...complete with a gazebo.
Alabama State Docks.
Silos at the Alabama State Docks. I guess that's whatcha call 'em.

From the fishing pier near ... well, I can't tell you what it's near ... Dolly Madison, maybe?
I think I can see the ocean off in the distance.  Can you?
Wait! Maybe I'm lookin' north here -- toward Columbus.
Yes -- I see the Rotary Park boat dock on the right, so I'm lookin' north.
So, can you see Columbus in the distance?

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