Friday, January 22, 2010

Trouble on the Riverwalk Last Night (or this morning)

When I poked my head out my front door at 6:00 this morning, to grab my newspaper off my front porch, I noticed that the light and fog were particularly beautiful -- so I left my front door standing wide open while I went back in and fetched my camera. Here are the photos I took:

I did notice, as I shot the last photograph, two police cars drive up and park near the Promenade Amphitheatre. Armed with big flashlights and I don't know what else, the officers got out and walked toward the River, obviously looking for somebody. I figured they were rousting some homeless person, but thought that a little odd, as they don't usually occupy themselves with that task. At any rate, if you want to see a policeman's flashlight, go back to the third photograph and look at that little light on the far right.

I stood there and watched the police for a few minutes, but they went into the bushes, and it was chilly and damp out there on the front porch, and I got a little paranoid about what they might think if they found me on my front porch, in my crossword puzzle pajamas, wielding a camera.

So, I came inside, read the paper and worked the Cryptoquote and the crossword puzzle, and then checked e-mail where I found a message from my friend and neighbor Virginia. Virginia's message was a warning that when she had set out to walk at 6:00 this morning she had been stopped by police officers who explained to her that there had been an armed robbery at the Trade Center and that the perps (Remember -- I watch cop shows.) had escaped and were armed and in the vicinity of the Riverwalk. The officers advised Virginia not to walk on the Riverwalk this morning.

So that's all I know at this point. I'm keeping an eye out over there, but have seen no other action. The police cars are gone now, the sun is up, and I've gotta get myself up and outta here and to work on campus. I'll check out the Riverwalk later this afternoon, weather permitting.


  1. The entire time I was reading your blog, I was saying over and over "stay inside Aunt Cathy, stay inside!"-I'm glad the story ended like it did;) And I'm assuming you know of Unc Fred's whereabouts all night...he's not the perp in question is he?:):)

  2. Oh, that's funny, Joy. No, Unc Fred is definitely NOT the perp in question. In fact, he slept through the whole thing. He just now got up to learn what fun he'd missed.
